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Portfolio - Translatlantique : Queen Elizabeth II


For 150 years Cunard has maintained maritime links between Britain and the United States.


The Queen Elizabeth 2 made his first voyage to New York on May 2, 1969.

After five hundred years of Atlantic ship crossings, the QE2 is the last ocean liner in activity.

The ocean liner's role has changed over the years.


Once an indispensable and single means of transport to distant lands, the ocean liner is now a haven of pleasure, providing isolation, escape, distraction and love of the ocean. It is a floating town with 1500 passengers aboard.


Thanks to a crew of 1200, a high degree of organization and a clear division of work, the ship functions smoothly day and night.

Close to 3000 people are brought together in an atmosphere of complicity over five days.

First there is a look at an unpredictable ocean and a never changing seascape, then the arrival in New York, the destination that seemed so far away, like a New World.

Director :  Rob Rombout



Script : Rob Rombout, Jean-Philippe Laroche  DOP  Louis-Philippe Capelle  Assistant camera : Marc Ridley, Zoë Salmon


 Sound : Paul Heymans             Editing : Adriana Moreira  de Oliveira            Soundmixing: Jacques Clisse             Original Music : Jean-Christophe Renaud  


Executive producer:  Jean-Philippe Laroche         Producer : Nota Bene      Co-producers : WIP,RTBF



With the support of the  Communauté française de Belgique


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