Portfolio - Entre deux Tours

The presence of two quite different towers on such a restricted space, located each, respectively, at a small distance from the Belgian-Dutch border inspires this video.
In 1948, the fall of Prague brought about the birth of NATO and, indirectly, the establishment of supreme headquarter in Benelux, at Brunssum (Netherlands) in 1967 : known as AFCENT (Allied Forces Central Europe).
In the second century AD, Hermas, one of the lost prophets of the church of Rome predicted the construction of a tower. It came about in 1964 at Eben-Ezer.
Mr Garcet is not merely the builder of this tower, but also the architect of an universal, mystical and deeply pacifist school of thought :
" Nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more. " (Isaiah, 2.4)
As for AFCENT, they took over Charlemagne's arms and motto :
" I fight against injustice and I destroy all trace of evil.”

Director : Rob Rombout
Assistant director : Nadia Curto Script : Rob Rombout Monologue : Christian Janssens
DOP Kommer Klein Assistant camera : Chris Renson Sound : Fabio Lani Editing : Adriana Moreira de Oliveira
Soundmixing: : Fabio Lani Original Music : Excuse my French Production-assistant François Luchen
Executive producer : Danny Trossat Producer : GSARA Co-producers : WIP,RTBF, Rob Rombout.

1988 Prix du jury au Festival vidéo, Liège
Premier prix du jury à la Manifestation internationale de vidéo et de télévision, Montbéliard
Prix de la meilleure réalisation au Festival international du film super 8 et de la vidéo, Bruxelles.
1987 Worldwide Festival, La Haye -
Festival international de cinéma et de télévision, Rome
2ème Semaine internationale de vidéo, Saint-Gervais
Festival international du nouveau cinéma et de la vidéo, Montréal
International Audiovisuel Festival, Amsterdam
1988 Video Film Festival, Berlin
Hamburger Filmburo Forum, Hambourg
Festival vidéo d'Estavar
European media art festival, Osnabruck
10ème Festival audiovisuel de Lacharnière " Une aventure délicate ", Lille
5ème Festival de Rio de Janeiro
Festival de Manosque
1989 Videoformes, Royat.